The new NRMM Low Emission Zone Policy for London

From the 1st September 2015 Non Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) including generators of net power between 37kW and 560kW will be required to meet the standards set out below. The standards apply for both PM and NOx emissions.

1st September 2015

  1. Major Development Site within Greater London NRMM used on the site of any major development within Greater London will be required to meet Stage IIIA of EU Directive 97/68/EC.
  2. Any development site within the Central Activity Zone or Canary Wharf NRMM used on any site within the Central Activity Zone or Canary Wharf will be required to meet Stage IIIB of EU Directive 97/68/EC.

1st September 2020

  1. Any development site within Greater London NRMM used on any site within Greater London will be required to meet STAGE IIIB of EU Directive 97/68/EC.
  2. Any development site within the Central Activity Zone or Canary Wharf NRMM used on any site within the Central Activity Zone or Canary Wharf will be required to meet Stage IV of EU Directive 97/68/EC.
Net Power CO NOx + HC PM
kW g/kWh
130 ≤ P ≤ 560 3.5 4.0 0.2
75 ≤ P < 130 5.0 4.0 0.3
37 ≤ P < 75 5.0 4.7 0.4
19 ≤ P < 37 5.5 7.5 0.6


Table 1 – Stage IIIA Standards for NRMM


Net Power CO HC NOx PM
kW g/kWh
130 ≤ P ≤ 560 3.5 0.19 2.0 0.025
75 ≤ P < 130 5.0 0.19 3.3 0.025
56 ≤ P < 75 5.0 0.19 3.3 0.025
37 ≤ P < 56 5.5 4.7 * 0.025


Table 2 – Stage IIIB Standards for NRMM


Net Power CO HC NOx PM
kW g/kWh
130 ≤ P ≤ 560 3.5 0.19 0.4 0.025
56 ≤ P < 130 5.0 0.19 0.4 0.025


Table 3 – Stage IV Standards for NRMM


* NOx + HC

Contact ese to meet the legislative requirements using existing assets, saving money on your capital expenditure.